Are you ready to take on the next challenge in becoming one of us? Hereby, read our article and get ready for the challenge ahead!
Internship is the way of life. Hereby, I’m summarizing for you on how you get most from it in 10 tips that can make you an extraordinary person during starting your career ladder:
1.Introducing yourself to your team mates, co-workers or person around you.
Tips: Know yourself well, who are you, your interest, what makes you difference & what can you solve. Brief introduction on yourself so that we know you better. Do it either you are in the e-chatrooom or when you are at the first day reporting.
2. Speak positively rather than de-motivating or sabotaging.
Tips: 99% of people dislikes negatively statement and bad impression can be forget but it can be changed. Things you can do to make things better: Smile, hand shaking with confidence, introducing yourself and make your team mates know that how excited, eager and positive that you are with them.
3. Having “sharp & clear” on expectations from your immediate superior aka the HODs or Directors.
Tips: It’s vital to ask know what is to be expected and priorities during on-the-job. Among the questions which can trigger info hunting: To know what is your team doing right now (datelines & submission), the challenges (time frame or hostile clients), & what can you do to help (performing OT, handling clients or housekeeping files). Be prepare to help out for job clearance.

4. Asking intelligent questions through desire to learn.
Tips: Demonstrating curiosity and desire to improve is good but asking non-sense and repeated questions makes yourself looks stupid, naïve and nuisance. Since you have plenty of time, why not take charge your job first and ask questions while you are doing your job. Trust me, you will be asking sensible questions when you are having the desire to learn. Re-read your books and refresh your mind.
5. See through how to make people’s life better.
Tips: You are to make people’s life better by offering a helping hand regardless your job or out of your scope. By doing this, you are positioning yourself to achieve higher in life.
6. Prioritize sleep & self-branding for the next day’s performance.
Tips: Lack of sleep generates Medical Certificates, resources wastage, lack of interest and sabotages output. To be on top of that, successful people cultivates 6-8 hours of sleep, dressing up professionally, always moving one step ahead and we will be see-ing a STAR in you.

7. Speak out and network.
Tips: Enjoy mingling during lunch time and whenever is needed. Looking at your hand phone makes you have a robot looking face which deem that you are anti social. Therefore, balance it yourself.
8. Tracking your performance through performance review.
Tips: Complete your assessment and review by HODs in self reflecting how far you go. Completes everything and you will realize what are the goals being achieved. Always get in the know on the expectations from HODs on you and how they want it to be executed.
9. Be alert on what makes your team mate frustrated and be a contributor in nature.
Tips: Once you are well versed with the environment, take time to understand what makes that and try to give solutions in overcoming the shortage. Besides that, read and revision during the night time as to sharpen your knowledge. Be prepare by writing down notes during the first training and also performance review correction by every month. Learn it with open heart as nobody is perfect after all.

10. Never forget your humble beginnings.
Tips: No one owns anyone a living but if you got a mentor, be sure to appreciate them instead of taking advantage. Your mentor supports, guides, groom and makes you a better person. They will be happy when see-ing you successful as never turn your back to them and remember, do request your testimonial from the HODs. It is important to show to your future prospect on what did you learned beforehand.