Tax Agent Services
We are committed to deliver the accounting report with cost effective, integrity and confidentiality with the listed professional fees of tax filling.
Anything else? Just whatsapp our specialists team who are ready to assist you.

1. Limited Company (i.e Sdn. Bhd./ Berhad) (Form C) @ Tax Submission
Must file the tax returns (Form C) within 7 months from the date of closing of its basis period (i.e. accounting period) with the charges accordingly:
- Scenario:
- a. from RM 400.00 (dormant account if accounts are done by us)
- b. from RM 800.00 to RM 2,000.00* (depends on complexity of transactions if accounts are done by us)
- c. from RM 1,200.00* onwards (depends on complexity of transactions if accounts are not done by us)
Form P - Partnership 合伙
It is applicable for enterprise with more than 1 partner
RM 200.00
Form BE - Individual 个人
For individual under employment income or director working under self own Sdn. Bhd.
RM 200.00
Form PT - Filling of Tax Returns
Must file the tax returns within 7 months from the date of closing of its basis period
RM 200.00
2. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (Form PT) @ Tax Submission
Must file the tax returns (Form PT) within 7 months from the date of closing of its basis period (i.e. accounting period) with the charges accordingly:
- Scenario:
- a. from RM 400.00 (dormant account if accounts are done by us)
- b. from 800.00 to RM 2,000.00* (depends on complexity of transactions if accounts are done by us)
- c. from RM 1,200.00* onwards (depend on the complexity of transactions if accounts are not done by us)
3. Business income from Sole Proprietor or Enterprise (Form B)@ RM 200.00*
Tax submission dateline is 30th June yearly (it’s applicable to individual who are running a business & also employment income);
4. Individual (Form BE)@ RM 200.00*
Tax submission dateline is 30th Apr yearly; (It’s applicable to individual who is having on employment income or director working under self own Sdn. Bhd.);
5. Registration of PCB account for Employer @ RM 300.00*
For salaried employees who earn more than RM 3,000.00 per month.
6. Preparation of tax estimation for Company @ RM 150.00*
In submitting of Form CP 204, CP 204A & BIK EA Statment
7. Preparation of capital statement / net worth statement to LHDN RM 300.00 - RM 1,000.00*/ per statement
Price varies depends on complexity. (ABC Capital Statement Sample.pdf)
8. E- Tax consultation RM 250.00* per hour excluding tax research works
(E- Tax consultation and pricing excluding tax research works where will be quote separately)
9. Partnership (Form P) RM 300.00* per submission
It is applicable for enterprise with more than 1 partner. Download sample of Form P - 2018 here.
10. Opening Tax File for Partnership (Form P), PLT (Form PT) RM 150.00*/ per opening
11. Opening Tax File for Company (Form C & E ) RM 150.00*/ per opening
12. Opening Tax File for Employment Income (Form BE) RM 150.00*/ per opening
13. Opening Tax File for Sole Proprietor (Form B ) RM 150.00*/ per opening
14. Site visit and consultation RM 350.00* per hour
Cost excluding with out-of-pocket expenses. A summary of findings will be given for further action plans needed.
15. Answering tax audit, investigation and AMLA related cases RM 2,000.00* onwards/ per case
As initial processing fees (non-refundable) and upon successful tax savings then will be 15 % from tax amount being saved will be as professional charges inclusive of research papers.
16. Application of Tax Clearance Certificate RM 500.00*/ per certificate
Employer will to submit accordingly: Public servant @ CP22B, Private sector @ CP22A and for individuals who are leaving Malaysia @ CP21. (Price excluding SST charges)
17. Reverse pick-up from RM 15.00*
18. Submission of Withholding Tax (CP 37) RM 300.00*/ per CP 37
LHDN Guidelines E-Commerce (charges inclusive of SST).
19. Closing of Tax File (B, BE, P, PT, C or E) RM 300.00/ per tax file
Applicable for pensioners without income, living Malaysia for good and age of 55 without any source of income & excluding SST.
20. Corporate Tax Planning (CTP) with findings and recommendations from RM 1,000.00/ per company
Corporate Tax Planning comes with a detailed analysis with facts finding, research, recommendations and 1 hour presentation (RM 250.00 per hour @ digitally).
21. Preparation of LHDN's Transfer Pricing Documentation (TPD) from RM 800.00 / per TPD
The Transfer of Goods, Services and intangible between related parties.
22. Drafting and sending tax appeal letter RM 530.00/ per letter of appeal
Tax Appeal letter under Income Tax Act section 99 and it is excluding further follow through case of the appeal and SST charges.
23. Tax Research & Presentation RM 1, 0000.00 onwards/ per company
24. Submission of LHDN's Notification of The Demise of Taxpayer form (Form CP 57) RM 530.00/ per CP 57
Professional fees excluding SST and the closest heir/ executor will need to prepare supporting documents to HC for compilation works.
25. Submission of EA Form RM 100.00/ per form
Professional fees excluding SST and the closest heir/ executor will need to prepare supporting documents to HC for compilation works.
a. All pricing subjected to 8% SST.
b. LHDN’s TPD Flowchart Guideline LHDN TPD Flowchart Guideline 2012.pdf
c. Check Malaysia’s Immigration for tax clearance before moving out:
d. A sample of Form CP 37 Royalty payment of Withholding Tax :LHDN CP37_Pin3_2014 Royalty.pdf
e. A summary of LHDN’s tax offences and penalties with referring to Tax Act, 1967: HC LHDN Tax Offences & Penalties Tax Act 1967 16062022.pdf
f. Calculator PCB is a support system for calculating MTD as the system allows employees to be aware of estimated MTD calculated by employer every month. The estimated displayed amount is almost accurate because the employee has to enter information related to income and deductions from monthly salary at
g. For LHDN’ HASIL payment, it can be done through: i) Individual : Service > Individual > Individual Life Cycle > Payment > Mode of Payment; or ii) Company : Service > Company > Tax Payment > Payment Method.
h. The definition of Serious Disease (penyakit serius) by LHDN :LHDN Definition of PENYAKIT SERIUS in Tax 04042023.pdf
19. Requirements:
a. Processing time of tax clearance in Malaysia
The processing time for your tax clearance letter is 10 working days from the date the application was received by LHDN. You may receive the letter within a week also.
b. Documents needed for tax clearance
To apply for the tax clearance certificate according to Malaysian Tax system, you need the following documents.
- Original Passport ( This will be returned back immediately after the copy of the passport is verified)
- Copy of all pages of your current passport
- Form CP21/22A/23A: The form appropriate for your need with all the information completely filled and duly signed.
- EA form – Company will give this form every year .Keep form for all the years you have worked in Malaysia.
- BE form for current year
- NR 51: List of stamping made in Malaysia in your passport.
- Pay slip (Not mandatory)
- PCB II Letter
Before submitting the documents you need to find out the LHDN outlet that is processing your income tax returns. You cannot submit the documents to any other LHDN outlet as they won’t process your application.
20. Inland Revenue Board (IRB) Due Dates:
a. This is the Summary of all IRB Due Dates and you may print it out as IMPORTANT REMINDER
b. IRB’s Tax Audit Scenario:
c. IRB’s Taxpayer Roadmap: