Thank you for our fellow Lions member’s Bryan Ooi in arranging a half day trip bringing us to visit his farms on 11th May 2017 at Bertam Valley, Cameron Highlands. Hereby, let Bryan shows you how the work is done:
The land is ready for next round of plantation and it could be anything from vegetables to fruits.The is one of the farm which is just finish harvesting flowers. According to Bryan, they need do housekeeping before seedling process. The area was well covered by the water sprinkler system and the pressure is strong as well but how do they get the pressure from?As we are going uphill, this is the water retention tank with 7 feet to 10 feet deep in storing the water for farm use. Can you see the ladder on the wall where the workers used to do housekeeping at the tank at times.The flowers are ready for harvesting and the smell is really refreshing but too bad I cannot compress it into a can..hahaThis is the scene on how they pack the flowers and send to the local florist near you. The process of flower picking and packing needs alot of manpower to do it as well!The red capsicum farm and the taste of the capsicum is tasty as well.The capsicum’s harvesting process where the fruits are well packed onto the boxes and hereby, this is why I said, try not to waste your food as its required a lot of manpower, resources and effort to grow it.This is what Bryan says, Vertical Farming where it is suitable for farm with less flat land and it is using hydroponic system for fertilizing the plants. Let’s not mention the set up cost.We went up and snap a few pics and this is how the farming of vegetables for your salad meal goes on. On normal day, 1 Kg can fetch up to RM 4.80 to RM 5.00One our final farm visitation, we do stop by at Bryan’s tomatoes farm and some of it are ready for plucking. I did asked Bryan, why you need to out the plastic onto the walk path and he says, its for cleaner and easy housekeeping.This is the tomatoes packing box and its ready for local consuming and part of it will be for exporting. This is how you get tomatoes at your local groceries.
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