Date: 27th Oct 2017
Guides in naming your a private limited company (Sdn. Bhd.) in Malaysia.
The general principles and characteristics which can be used as a company’s name:
1.If the name is not in English or Bahasa Malaysia (BM), then the meaning of the name must be given; example: Yat Yat Fatt Coffeeshop means Everyday is wealthy.
2.The name is correct language and spelling.
3.If the usage of name is an individual name of directors, related individuals or relatives, then a consent letter must be obtained from the individual or the group of companies.
4. Names which is not too general; example: Power Sdn. Bhd. (the proper should be Power Batteries & Car Services Sdn. Bhd.)
5. Names which is not resembling an element of religion.
6. Names which is likely to be offensive through the eye of the public; example: Fuck Fashion & Style Sdn. Bhd.
7. If you create a new word as a name, then state the meaning of those words.
8. Not to mislead public as the name of the multinational company: Sony, Nike or Apple.

There are some words which is NOT allow to use by the Minister:
1.Names which is confusing by making a relation with the Royal families: AGONG, SULTAN, RAJA DI-HILIR or SULTANAH.
2.Names linking with the local or state authorities: Majlis Bandaran, Federal or PDRM.
3. Names suggesting connection with any ASEAN or foreign bodies: UN, TPPA, SAMSUNG or any cartels.
4. Names on connecting political parties in Peninsular or Sabah and Sarawak.
5. Offensive names to the public; example: Damn You Collection Sdn. Bhd.
6.Names which is confusing on linking the company with multinational; example; Samsung Coffeebar Sdn. Bhd.
7. Names linking to chambers or formal financial institution; example: banker, business chambers, foundation, Islamic, Guarantee, Treasury, Minister or University.
Remarks: If the promoter of the business is able to justify then he or she will need to proceed to application to Registrar (SSM) together with the proposed name and payment of RM 150.00

Prohibited or Controlled Names which is controlled by the Malaysian Laws:
1.Insurance Act- insurance or assurance or words with similar meaning.
2. Money Changing- foreign money or money changing or words with similar meaning.
3. Valuers and Estate Agents Act- property agency, land agent or estate or words with similar meaning.
4. Banking Act- deposit, finance or currency exchange or words with similar meaning.
5. Futures and Securities Act- stock market, exchange, futures broker & trading or words with similar meaning.
6. Takaful Act.
7. Medicine- private medicine, clinic, hall, X-Ray, Med Lab or words with similar meaning.
8. Accountant Act- Tax consultant, advisor, accounting or words with similar meaning.

Controlled names with is connecting to regulated activities by authorities or professional bodies.
1.Malaysian Architect Board- words like architect or related.
2. Malaysia Institute of Accountants- words like accountant.
3. Jabatan Kemajuan Agama Islam – words Halal, wasiat or which is related.
4. Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM).
5. Malaysia Engineer Board- using the word engineer.
6. Ministry of Education Malaysia- words as such college, university or which is related.
Remarks: The approval of the name can be considered once written approval from the relevant government agency or professional body.
Names which is being controlled & limit due to national interest.
1. GLC companies which is being registered and TM: RAPID KL, PROTON, PLUS, EPF or TNB.
2. Putrajaya or Cyberjaya which is anything with similar meaning.
3. MSC.
4. Words which is linking to gambling like “betting” or “sure win”.
5. Malay Reserve Land.
6. Words linking with government’s phrase or Malaysia’s Independence’s slogan.